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- " Vim syntax file
- " Language: Rexx
- " Maintainer: Thomas Geulig <geulig@nentec.de>
- " Last Change: 2001 May 2
- " URL: http://sites.netscape.net/sharpPeople/vim/syntax/rexx.vim
- " or http://www.crosswinds.net/~vimuser/vim/syntax/rexx.vim
- "
- " Special Thanks to Dan Sharp <dwsharp@hotmail.com> for comments and additions
- " (and providing the webspace)
- " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
- " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
- if version < 600
- syntax clear
- elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
- syn case ignore
- " A Keyword is the first symbol in a clause. A clause begins at the start
- " of a line or after a semicolon. THEN, ELSE, OTHERWISE, and colons are always
- " followed by an implied semicolon.
- syn match rexxClause "\(^\|;\|:\|then \|else \|otherwise \)\s*\w\+" contains=ALL
- " Considered keywords when used together in a phrase and begin a clause
- syn match rexxKeyword contained "\<signal\( on \(error\|failure\|halt\|notready\|novalue\|syntax\|lostdigits\)\(\s\+name\)\=\)\=\>"
- syn match rexxKeyword contained "\<signal off \(error\|failure\|halt\|notready\|novalue\|syntax\|lostdigits\)\>"
- syn match rexxKeyword contained "\<call off \(error\|failure\|halt\|notready\)\>"
- syn match rexxKeyword contained "\<parse \(upper \)\=\(arg\|linein\|pull\|source\|var\|value\|version\)\>"
- syn match rexxKeyword contained "\<numeric \(digits\|form \(scientific\|engineering\|value\)\|fuzz\)\>"
- syn match rexxKeyword contained "\<\(address\|trace\)\( value\)\=\>"
- syn match rexxKeyword contained "\<procedure\( expose\)\=\>"
- syn match rexxKeyword contained "\<do\( forever\)\=\>"
- " Another keyword phrase, separated to aid highlighting in rexxFunction
- syn match rexxKeyword2 contained "\<call\( on \(error\|failure\|halt\|notready\)\(\s\+name\)\=\)\=\>"
- " Considered keywords when they begin a clause
- syn match rexxKeyword contained "\<\(arg\|drop\|end\|exit\|if\|interpret\|iterate\|leave\|nop\)\>"
- syn match rexxKeyword contained "\<\(options\|pull\|push\|queue\|return\|say\|select\|trace\)\>"
- " Conditional phrases
- syn match rexxConditional "\(^\s*\| \)\(to\|by\|for\|until\|while\|then\|when\|otherwise\|else\)\( \|\s*$\)" contains=ALLBUT,rexxConditional
- syn match rexxConditional contained "\<\(to\|by\|for\|until\|while\|then\|when\|else\|otherwise\)\>"
- " Assignments -- a keyword followed by an equal sign becomes a variable
- syn match rexxAssign "\<\w\+\s*=\s*" contains=rexxSpecialVariable
- " Functions/Procedures
- syn match rexxFunction "\<\h\w*\(/\*\s*\*/\)*("me=e-1 contains=rexxComment,rexxConditional,rexxKeyword
- syn match rexxFunction "\<\(arg\|trace\)\(/\*\s*\*/\)*("me=e-1
- syn match rexxFunction "\<call\( on \(error\|failure\|halt\|notready\)\(\s\+name\)\=\)\=\>\s\+\w\+\>" contains=rexxKeyword2
- " String constants
- syn region rexxString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+"+
- syn region rexxString start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+'+
- syn match rexxCharacter +"'[^\\]'"+
- " Catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis
- syn region rexxParen transparent start='(' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,rexxParenError,rexxTodo,rexxUserLabel,rexxKeyword
- syn match rexxParenError ")"
- syn match rexxInParen "[\\[\\]{}]"
- " Comments
- syn region rexxComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=rexxTodo,rexxComment
- syn match rexxCommentError "\*/"
- syn keyword rexxTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
- " Highlight User Labels
- syn match rexxUserLabel "\<\I\i*\s*:"me=e-1
- " Special Variables
- syn keyword rexxSpecialVariable sigl rc result
- syn match rexxCompoundVariable "\<\w\+\.\w*\>"
- if !exists("rexx_minlines")
- let rexx_minlines = 10
- endif
- exec "syn sync ccomment rexxComment minlines=" . rexx_minlines
- " Define the default highlighting.
- " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
- " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
- if version >= 508 || !exists("did_rexx_syn_inits")
- if version < 508
- let did_rexx_syn_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- HiLink rexxUserLabel Function
- HiLink rexxCharacter Character
- HiLink rexxParenError rexxError
- HiLink rexxInParen rexxError
- HiLink rexxCommentError rexxError
- HiLink rexxError Error
- HiLink rexxKeyword Statement
- HiLink rexxKeyword2 rexxKeyword
- HiLink rexxFunction Function
- HiLink rexxString String
- HiLink rexxComment Comment
- HiLink rexxTodo Todo
- HiLink rexxSpecialVariable Special
- HiLink rexxConditional rexxKeyword
- delcommand HiLink
- endif
- let b:current_syntax = "rexx"
- "vim: ts=8